076 - Dodgeball / trampoline / farmer market / keepie uppies / curbie

Hello mums and dad's, we hope your week is going well. As always, The Daily Kids is here to boost your activity ideas and help to get you through whatever the week may be throwing at you and the kids. Wednesday's we focus on movement, and we've listed a few activities below to help inspire you.

  1. Why not get the kids in the garden and play a game of dodgeball? This will get them moving for sure and the sibling rivalry and competitive edge going. Just make sure to use a softball.

  2. If you have a trampoline, get the kids to practice some moves, Capitalplay has a list of trampoline gymnastic training videos that the kids can watch and follow along with to help boost their trampoline skills.

  3. Take a visit to a farmers market and see what local produce is on offer. Teach the kids about local food and let them try some things they may not have tried before.

  4. Take the kids out in the garden and teach them how to do keepie uppies. This is a great way to get your skills going and also to help the kids coordination. For smaller kids, start with balloons first.

  5. If you live in a quiet street, or have one nearby, teach the kids how to play curbie. This was a favourite when we were younger, although things were safer back then. Keep an eye out for traffic and try to find somewhere with no cars like a dead-end street.

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