053 - Board games / hide and seek / window shopping / haircut day

053 - Board games / hide and seek / window shopping / haircut day

Happy Easter Monday mums and dads, we hope this bank holiday finds you well. As it’s a bonus weekend day we’ve decided to pack today’s post full of lazy bank holiday delights that you and the kids can enjoy together. There’s no learning in today's post and nothing complicated. Today is all about relaxing, enjoying time together and making dinner from yesterday’s leftovers. Let’s dive right in.

  • Break out the boardgames and have a lazy family fun day with some classics. Bring out the competitive spirit and teach the kids how to cheat, I mean win at Monopoly.

  • Spice up your walk with a game of hide and seek and a picnic with Sunday’s leftovers.

  • Make a DIY bubble mixture in a big basin and use a tennis racket to create some mega bubbles.

  • Take a walk around the shops now that they’re all open, window shop or even go wild and spoil yourselves.

  • Better yet take the family for haircuts and make it a pamper day, you all deserve it. Being able to go for a haircut has never felt like such a treat, you won’t regret it.

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