019 - Shaving cream art / marbled prints / paper weaving / cereal box crafts / melted crayons

019 - Shaving cream art / marbled prints / paper weaving / cereal box crafts / melted crayons

Happy Monday, fellow parents. The Dad Plus Kids newsletter is here with daily ideas to help with ideas to keep the kids entertained. Every day I share my top 5 tips for keeping the kids entertained. Here is today's five for Monday activities are arts and crafts themed.

  1. Shaving cream art is taking off, and we love this homemade puffy paint recipe from realistic mama. The making of this paint is a whole heap of messy fun, and the painting at the end is well worth it.

  2. Sticking with the shaving cream art theme, why not try making some marbled prints, layout some shaving cream in a flat tray or surface, add some paint splotches, marble it and place your paper or card on top. The result is a beautiful marble effect print.

  3. Paper weaving is a traditional and fun way to create art with the kiddos. It's not quite as messy as our other suggestions but still fun and a little different.

  4. Why not try some cereal box crafts? The guys over at left brain craft brain have a whole post on it with over 30 ideas.

  5. How about melting some crayons to make some butterflies? It's a fun way to create art and to spend time with the kids. Over at the art bar, they've got some great activities for you to do with melted wax crayons.

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