017 - Breakfast in bed / picnics / virtual museum trips / family bake-off / yummy cakes

017 - Breakfast in bed / picnics / virtual museum trips / family bake-off / yummy cakes

Ah, Saturday at last, the day used to be for lying in, before we were parents, and all we had to worry about was which party we will go to tonight. If you're lucky, the kids might be adorable and make you a cup of tea in bed. Then again, maybe not. Today's daily dose is celebrating all things Saturday to make your weekend special.

  1. Breakfast in bed is a great excuse to catch a few extra Z'zzz. Make some breakfast with the kids and a cup of tea, and then head on back for breakfast in bed, cartoons and a rest.

  2. Jump in the car and go for a magical mystery tour. It's difficult in these times with nothing open and the rules changing daily. Take a picnic and escape the house and the horrors of the news.

  3. Take a virtual museum trip. Many museums are offering this now, including the British Museum, the Van Gough Museum and the Guggenheim.

  4. You could have a family bake-off and judge each entry based on who was the best or whose cake looks the best.

  5. Then sit down with your yummy cakes for a night at the cinema (metaphorically speaking). Have a family movie night.


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